Time to dig out the kids rain coats and rain pants
I just took a walk outside and realized, its cold enough for a coat! Our weather is supposed to warm up for at least another week, but this brief moment of cold reminded me of the inevitable: Fall and Winter are upon us.
At Oakiwear, we are big fans of Fall and Winter. Obviously, that is when most of our gear is getting wet from the rain, dirty from mud puddles, or zipped up tight to keep the cold out. The great thing is, Oakiwear is built to handle those things. From rain coats to rain pants, to fishing waders and rain boots, our mission is perfectly in line with parents; keep the kid warm, keep them dry, and keep them alive!
We love your stories and photos of kids “swimming” in mud, or kayaking or even playing at the rainy park when no one else is there. We don’t tell our story. You DO. You do every time you pull those rain pants on their little legs, and zip up the rain jacket over their tiny body. We hope you look down at that “bundle of joy” and think they are ready for a hurricane. As you are out in the trenches, your stories mean a lot to us. As we grow, we hope we never lose that close relationship with you. As the story tellers, you hold the most important position at Oakiwear. If you want to see great pictures tell as story, check out our current photo contest.
In the comments below, please share your Oaki Story. Share the expressions on your child’s face when you told them, “it’s ok to jump in the mud” (likely a perplexed face). Tell us about how your child no longer has boundaries in the outdoors. Tell us how you, as a parent, feel to see your child change and mature as they play in their true, natural environment.
Kids belong outside. So does Oakiwear. It’s a match made in heaven.
Happy Fall!
Time to dig out the kids rain coats and rain pants
I just took a walk outside and realized, its cold enough for a coat! Our weather is supposed to warm up for at least another week, but this brief moment of cold reminded me of the inevitable: Fall and Winter are upon us.
At Oakiwear, we are big fans of Fall and Winter. Obviously, that is when most of our gear is getting wet from the rain, dirty from mud puddles, or zipped up tight to keep the cold out. The great thing is, Oakiwear is built to handle those things. From rain coats to rain pants, to fishing waders and rain boots, our mission is perfectly in line with parents; keep the kid warm, keep them dry, and keep them alive!
We love your stories and photos of kids “swimming” in mud, or kayaking or even playing at the rainy park when no one else is there. We don’t tell our story. You DO. You do every time you pull those rain pants on their little legs, and zip up the rain jacket over their tiny body. We hope you look down at that “bundle of joy” and think they are ready for a hurricane. As you are out in the trenches, your stories mean a lot to us. As we grow, we hope we never lose that close relationship with you. As the story tellers, you hold the most important position at Oakiwear. If you want to see great pictures tell as story, check out our current photo contest.
In the comments below, please share your Oaki Story. Share the expressions on your child’s face when you told them, “it’s ok to jump in the mud” (likely a perplexed face). Tell us about how your child no longer has boundaries in the outdoors. Tell us how you, as a parent, feel to see your child change and mature as they play in their true, natural environment.
Kids belong outside. So does Oakiwear. It’s a match made in heaven.
Happy Fall!